Criminal Defense | Family Law | Personal Injury | DUI Attorneys | Drug Possession | Domestic Violence
Drug Offense Attorney & Criminal Defense Lawyer serving Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin and Brevard Counties.
Being charged with a drug offense can be a traumatic and stressful event. Although many states have legalized marijuana, Florida has not yet approved the use of marijuana for recreational purposes. A conviction for possession of marijuana or any other controlled substance requires a mandatory one year revocation of your driver's license. Many people may qualify for drug court diversion for first time drug offenses. It is important you consult with an attorney to fully understand your options and your case.
Drug Possession can result in prosecution all the way from a first degree misdemeanor to a 30 year Felony of the First Degree, (Trafficking). The United States of America has one of the highest rates of drug addiction in the world. Opioid possession without a valid prescription results in very aggressive prosecution by the Office of the State Attorney. There are many rehabilitative services available. Most of these cases involve search and seizure issues that should be thoroughly evaluated by competent legal counsel. Violations of your constitutional rights could result in a dismissal of charges in your case.

ACTUAL POSSESSION IS NOT REQUIRED. Even if the drugs/contraband in question are not in your possession, you may still be charged with constructive possession. This charge does not require having the drug on your person, but rather having the knowledge of where the drug is located.
Trust Green & Metcalf as your Drug Offense Attorneys
If you are facing a felony or misdemeanor drug charge, contact us ensure that you are not wrongfully convicted. Once you’ve been charged, don’t wait another minute to start building your legal defense with an experienced drug offense attorney.
Give our drug offense attorneys a call to schedule your free, initial consultation, and we’ll get to work on building the best defense possible for your case!